Best Time to Visit Darjeeling




Gangtok like Darjeeling follows similar trends in weather through the year. Although there are some differences in temperature and rainfall between the two places, the overall weather change takes place in tandem in both these two places. So a good season in Gangtok is also a good season in Darjeeling. And this is one main reason why most tourists combine a visit of Gangtok with Darjeeling. 

September and October is cordially mild and pleasing. The temperature during this time of the year nestles at a range from 15 degree to 20 degree and offers spectacular foliage. The temperature slightly drops to 12 degree during the months of November and the temperature in Gangtok in December and January ranges between 2 degree and 8 degree, which is freezing cold.

 In the spring, from February to March, the Gangtok weather receives a mild temperature that cuddles at 15 degree to a maximum of 22 degree.One is from April to June when the winter has gone and the entire area,specially Yumthang Valley is a riot of flowers. The weather is mild with minimum temperatures hovering around 15–20 degrees in both Gangtok and Darjeeling.

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